Problem: Denmark faces a significant challenge with over 500,000 chronic heart patients who find themselves trapped in a cycle of frequent healthcare visits, averaging 16 times more visits per quarter compared to regular patients. This problem stems from a lack of comprehensive insight into patients' health due to inadequate consumption and continuous monitoring of biometric datasets. Consequently, patients resort to frequent hospital visits to compensate for this lack of insight, placing a substantial burden on medical facilities, clinicians, ethics, and patient well-being during these 'chronic cycles.' Vision: Our vision aims to optimize the current monitoring and care paradigm for chronic heart patients by providing detailed and long-term insights into patients biometric datasets. We intend to achieve this vision through the development and advancement of our product, 'The Link,' a patient-friendly Med-Tech wearable. 'The Link' simplifies user interaction with its recognizable design while maintaining clinical accuracy through 12-lead ECG and supplemented sensors.
Location Denmark
Founded 2023
Employees 1-10
Industries Healthcare & Life Science
Business model B2C, B2B, B2G
Funding state Bootstrapping

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This job comes with several perks and benefits

Pet friendly
Pet friendly

Dogs, turtles or goldfish are welcome in the office as long as they want to cuddle every now and then.

Equity package
Equity package

Want to be a partner? Look no further.

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

Friday is something special, let's enjoy a beer together.

Near public transit
Near public transit

Easy access and treehugger friendly workplace.

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

Peckish after lunch? We got your back with soft drinks, treats and fruit.




Founder, Founder, CEO and visionary of PARAL

Martin Johansen