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WEstamp er den brugervenlige vej til smarte digitale kort (stempelkort, klippekort, medlemskort mv.) Vi leverer høj kvalitet til favorable priser. Vi tilbyder virksomheder digitale og brugervenlige kort-løsninger, så de kan følge den digitale udvikling, uden at skulle bruge en masse penge på en udvikler.

Vleppo ApS

Vleppo is a Nordic Tech company based in Odense, Denmark, recognized as a European hot-spot for robotics, data analytics and machine learning. Vleppo offers simple, user friendly solutions to meet the complex needs of freelancers and businesses. We do this by harnessing the power of emerging technologies of Blockchain, machine learning and big data. Whether you need a way to manage and unlock the value from your digital assets, create digital contracts or protect against client non-payment, Vleppo has you covered. Vleppo has specialised in Blockchain development since 2018 focusing on the development of its Alysides Blockchain, a fork of the Komodo Blockchain. In 2019 we were backed by Innovation Fund Denmark (File No. 9077-01122B).

Silent Events

Innovative event solutions. Silent Events are using wireless headphones to solve challenges like: Surrounding noise: Isolate your experience so you wont bother your neighbors or other people in same area. Multiple stage setups in same area: Up to 30 stages, breakout rooms or sound feeds, at the same time. Keeping focus on presentations: No matter if you have a fitness instructor, teacher, speaker or DJ you will have full focus from the participant. Not limited by venue: The wireless system is 100% portable and can be used anywhere. If you feel that the forest will be the best place for you conference, make it so. Different genres of music in the same room at the same time: Dance together, but listen to different live DJs or bands at the same time. Participant distancing: Sometimes it is necessary to keep distance from other participants. The system makes it possible to stand with 200mtr between each participant if you want. Conference Solutions in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland with up to 50.000 headphones in stock.


SimplyFind is a company where we bring clients together with accountans, bookkeepers, lawyers and bankaccountants. Our platform is maded in 2020 and our goal is to make it the preferred place to get offers from accountants by clients. For more information please check our website Kind regards, Team SimplyFind


ORDR er en platform, som hjælper frokostfirmaer med at holde overblikket i en travl hverdag. Med ORDR kan frokostfirmaer nemt få et overblik over deres kunder og modtage bestillinger fra disse via deres eget system, som ligger som en webapplikation. Udover at det er nemt for virksomheder at bestille deres frokost hos frokostfirmaet, så hjælper ORDR også med at holde styr på hvor meget der skal produceres i køkkenet, samt faktureringen af dets kunder.

Conscious Fashion Fair

Conscious Fashion Fair is a non-profit organization and a sustainable initiative in the modern consumer society. Our agenda is to create awareness of sustainable and conscious fashion to inspire towards more conscious consumer choices. We aim to be the link between consumers and sustainable brands by making COFF the consumer's transparent guide to sustainable and conscious fashion. COFF also wants to highlight the sustainable brands, making it easier to reach consumers who wish to shop more consciously.


Light only where it should be. NorthLED is a LED Technology company founded in 2016 that design and produce high-performance LED solutions. Our patented technology is built on high-end brand components, optical modulation, and customization. We are moving into the IoT world and are looking to expand into IoT development, device management etc.


Vicruit er en jobportal med videorekruttering. Rekrutteringsprocessen i dag er omstændig for både virksomheder og jobsøgende. Vicruit fjerner flere udfordringer ved den traditionelle jobsøgning og hjælper dig med at spare både tid og resourcer. Med videoansøgninger får du nemt og hurtigt et indtryk af den jobsøgende og den jobsøgende kan på samme tid søge sit drømmejob på få minutter.


Userfirst arbejder med søgemaskineoptimering (SEO), hjemmesider, og webshops. Vores mål er at du som virksomhed eller offentlig myndighed får flere og tilbagevendende besøgende på din hjemmeside, flere som finder din information, og flere som køber dine produkter. Du skal bruge Userfirst hvis: du vil være synlig i Google du vil sikre dig, at brugerne finder den information de søger på hjemmesiden. du vil skabe mere salg gennem din webshop. du vil gøre din hjemmeside/webshop mere brugervenlig

Bering og Søgaard

Hos Bering & Søgaard er vores fornemmeste opgave at hjælpe dig med at finde og booste dit eget potentiale. Du rummer nemlig (meget) mere, end du tror. Fordi tænk nu, hvis du kunne vågne op hver eneste dag og gøre præcis dét, du virkelig ønsker med al den glæde, mening og inspiration du altid har drømt om? Psst! … Det kan du. Succes er nemlig ikke resultatet af en hemmelig formel, som kun få udvalgte har adgang til.

Beta Boulders

Beta Boulders is a new lifestyle concept which blurs the lines between fitness, social and work life. We have recently opened our first facility in Copenhagen and we boost a modern state-of-the art bouldering gym, equipped with a cozy bar area, yoga studio and dedicated training room. We are close to Vanlose and Flintholm stations and with a surface of 1,800 square meters across three floors we are the largest space of its kind in Denmark and one the largest in Europe.

Wingroup ApS (

Only 2% of the bettors in the world play with profit. But there are betting experts who can actually find the edge over the bookmakers and make money on betting. Bettingfamily is a platform for these experts where users can subscribe to get their tips/analyzes and make a profit on sports betting. The experts are getting a percentage of the subscriber revenue they generate via our platform. We are NOT a bookmaker - see us more like a Airbnb/Etoro for Bettingexperts.

Mosspiration Biotech

We use moss as a green cell factory to produce small natural products. Physcomitrella patens (spreading earthmoss) is the perfect plant for this. Using Physcomitrella we produce fine chemicals that are normally obtained from rare, endangered or non-agricultural plants.Our products include living fragrant plants, and fragrance compounds sold as extracts.

Lean Akademiet

Vi udbyder Lean kurser og Lean uddannelser til danske virksomheder.  Vi bruger halvdelen af vores tid på at være ude hos kunder, hvor vi høster erfaringer, som vi bringer med ind i vores uddannelser. Vi arbejder helt uden PowerPoints i vores undervisning. Alt teori omsættes til praksis ved hjælp af øvelser. Hos os er det et krav, at du arbejder med din egen udfordring fra din egen arbejdssituation. Det gør, at du straks omsætter det du lærer til noget, du kan bruge i praksis.


BETTERBOX er leverandør af stærkt kuraterede økologiske og veganske treat boxe på abonnement. Gennem meningsfulde samarbejder og grønne fællesskaber ønsker vi at inspirere til ansvarligt forbrug og en sund og bæredygtig livsstil. BETTERBOX gør det nemt at vælge det bedre alternativ. Vi tester os gennem junglen af forsvarligt producerede snacks for at sende de bedste hjem til dig. Vi ved, at alle taler om økologi og bæredygtighed. Men for os er det også vigtige principper, når mørket falder på.