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Showing: 4451 filtered startups


Housed repræsenterer en radikal nytænkning af salgsprocessen på det private boligmarked baseret på ny teknologi. Vi er sat i verden for de boligejere, der er trætte af dyrt mæglersalær, ufleksibilitet, og usikkerhed omkring deres salg og flytning. Vi vil gerne give alle muligheden for en bedre oplevelse, når de skal skifte deres gamle hjem ud med et nyt.Vi er i øjeblikket tilknyttet startup-inkubatoren på Aalborg Universitet, AAU Startup Program.


Veggo er for dig som vil finde lækre vegetariske, veganske og plantebaserede retter i din by. Du behøver ikke være veganer for at bruge Veggo, du skal blot have lyst til at udforske det vegetariske og plantebaserede madmarked og alle de fordele som der er her! Så velkommen til din nye verden, en verden af lækre måltider! Download Veggo på din iPhone allerede i dag!

Babyspire is a new platform that gathers Babybloggers from all over Danmark. Our vision is to make life easier for parents, by providing an overview of the most relevant Bloggers. Furthermore our platform is facilitating the blog writing process and we providing the bloggers with a flourishing community. Our goal is to prepare all new and coming parents with the best tools, so that they can provide their children with the best possible start.

Quarky Point

Quarky Point er et videoproduktionsselskab der specialiserer sig på animation til hver videoproduktion,  det er med til at give kontrol og flere kreative muligheder for hvordan vi kan udbrede budskabet. Kort sagt er Quarky Point en virksomhed, der tager komplicerede budskaber og gør dem letlæselige via det visuelle virkemiddel – Video.


BalancAir is a medtech and digital health startup that has developed a novel, digital enabled, consumer device, called Rehaler, for treating acute migraine attacks.We have just launched with great success in Denmark, Sweden and Germany.We are currently looking for high performing, skilled and driven individuals that want to join our team of experienced entrepreneurs and help make the world better for millions of people!


Et økonomisystem med alt hvad man behøver Uniconta er et 100% cloudbaseret økonomisystem, der opfylder alle behov indenfor bogholderi, logistik og projekt. Uniconta er udviklet af Erik Damgaard, der har udviklet økonomisystemer siden 1984. Uniconta’s fundament er bygget på det bedste af de foregående 5 økonomisystemer, Erik har udviklet, kombineret med den nyeste teknologi fra Microsoft. Uniconta understøttes af en professionel og landsdækkende forhandlerkanal samt et stort netværk af revisorer.


SPORTSWAY er en nyere dansk e-handelsside indenfor sportsudstyr, som allerede er i en rivende vækst. Med et større fokus på onsite service og brugervenlighed end set før, giver det kunden en endnu bedre og ikke mindst hurtigere købsoplevelse, mens SPORTSWAY, som virksomhed, kan bruge tid på at skabe endnu mere værdi for kunderne. I pipelinen for fremtiden er flere spændende services og koncepter, som vil skabe en helt ny og revolutionerende e-handelsplatform på SPORTSWAY.


Wasoko's vision is to organize the world's food. We will achive this by connecting farmers, drivers and retailers to deliver products radically cheaper and fresher. We have started our distripution in the least efficient markets, while building the food supply-chain of the future. Our solution is an online B2B platform.


CrowdEyes er danmarks nyeste frem- og efterlysningsfællesskab. Appen CrowdEyes er tjenesten, der hjælper dig med at genfinde de ting du mister. Via et hurtigt opslag kan du eftersøge ting, personer, kæledyr eller vidner til hændelser. - og med ét enkelt klik få din eftersøgning ud til alle brugere af CrowdEyes samt dele det med mine venner og bekendte på facebook.


PlastiSens is a spinout from DTU Nanotech founded in 2014 and situated at Scion DTU, Lyngby. We develop novel portable sensor solutions for the food industry. PlastiSens has recently received funding for finalizing product development and running a field test.


SmartGurlz is a tech toy to engage girls in design, robotics and computer programming using their mobile phones and tablets. SmartGurlz uses our own version of the award winning, coding program Blockly called SugarCoded ™ This is where girls learn basic programming by commanding their vehicles via SugarCoded. Download our free SugarCoded software on a tablet and let the programming begin.

November First

November First improves cross-border and international payments based on transparent real-time currency exchange rates allowing businesses around Europe to start saving money and time on all their international and local payments and transfers.November First collaborate with one of the biggest banks in Europe to deliver the cheaper currency to companies of all sizes.November First will expand its operation throughout Europe and will be looking for talented and ambitious people to realize the potential. We have people from different countries who each contribute to the culture of the team. We are placed near the harbor, so we do jump in the water when it is not too cold. We love a great bottle of wine and from time to time play board games.

North Consulting

We are an elite unit of consultants from across the Nordics who believe we can create a better consulting experience for our customers. We are who you engage when you want to take commercial and digital execution to the next level. We move mast, with specialised resources and technology. Our customers are both corporates and startups with the highest ambition in their respective industries.

sophub ApS

sophub supports companies in creating a world class business forecast. It is based on a proven and well structured end-to-end process. Tapping into subhub is easy as it is a cloud based service. sophub was developed based on real market needs and we always strive to improve based on business needs as well as research within statistical forecast algorithms. The sophub team has profound experience with forecasting from various local and international companies within various industries.


Share, sell, buy or give away your plants, flowers, seeds and sprouts. The end of flower and plant waste and the beginning of digitalization of the plant sharing that has been going on for more than 100 years offline. Now private and shops can sell or give away their plants, flowers, seeds and sprouts. And you can learn everything there is to know about plants and flowers in our GreenieWiki.