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Showing: 4444 filtered startups

Berthu & Co

Berthu & Co er et digitalt mediebureau med speciale i de digitale discipliner. Med dybdegående analyser og indsigter skaber og eksekverer vi reklamekampagner på tværs af platforme såsom Google Ads, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram Linkedin, SEO, nyhedsbreve, influencer-marketing og indkøb hos danske mediehuse. Vores arbejdet er funderet i analyserer af kundens målgruppe og dennes online adfærd. På denne baggrund identificerer vi hvem der overvejer at købe dit produkt og hvordan en medieplan skal sammensættes for mest effektivt at kommunikere med dem. Vi arbejder på tværs af de digitale platforme, og derfor er vi din digitale partner fra strategi til eksekvering.

IBG ProReact

Our goal is to improve quality of life through safe and secure communities. Our platform supports and facilitates all the day-to-day actions required to be an active participant. Have a meal together. Book ressources. Plan your day. We are currently in 22 Danish municipalities (and one in Norway), helping residents at assisted living facilities. Next year, we’re taking a leap into the mainstream, and developing a full-fledged community tool for any place where people come together. It’s a bit like Facebook, but more practical, and less evil.

B5 Digital

B5 Digital is a fast-growing digital agency based in Denmark and Egypt. We specialize in custom software solutions and SaaS products. The products we design, build, and deliver are crafted from the ground up based on the challenge and vision behind each project. We have an expanding remote-first team of over 20 digital artisans and software experts who have proudly delivered innovative digital products for 20+ clients, in 10+ countries and across 8+ industries. Our products are always focused on helping businesses drive efficiency, boost revenue, and scale rapidly. Visit our website to learn more about our success stories!


CRETVO is a Start-up Company developing several lines of educational LED 3D puzzle toys for children and adults who interested in arts and creative ways of education. CRETVO products are fun and engaging, made of durable and ecological materials, the models require analyses, craft control techniques, develop art skills and creativity. CRETVO products for beautiful souls who think of a sustainable future. its made of the most recyclable, environmentally friendly materials, we guarantee a max of 10% plastic. We would like to give an example to children on how to be responsible for our world. we are ruining the example by giving them a toy of plastic first hand. a mobile or tablet before they start to walk! We build educational, customized and decorative LED 3D Puzzle toys with online support and tutorials to assemble it. 1- Educational: because they teach constructive techniques, develop art and creative skills, including UV technical tutorials integration between 2D and 3D perspective. 2- Customized: because the user can color and design it the way they like, add their own touch, we provide printed A4 size black & white maps for every model for experimental, once the user happy with the design and colors, transfer it to the final model. 3- Puzzle toys: because they require brain analyses and hand coordination skills to assemble it correctly, the sequence of assembling is very important, fun and engaging to play in a group. 4- Decorative: because when the user finishes designing and assembling, he can present it as a piece of art, the LED 3D Puzzle model will add an artistic touch to your house. Design it by yourself version (it’s made by you) The new production line is only using plain white color to allow the children and young adults to choose their own colors and design and create a unique personal touch. Creative Design in 3D workshop: If you are interested in architect and design, middle-level or advanced? Have the passion to paint on different surfaces or challenge yourself to paint on a pre-designed 3D model with different colors and materials? If you like to put your own touch on genuine design? Then! ... This workshop for you. Amr Moh- CEO - Head of design

Spin Robotics

Spin Robotics was founded in September 2019 by two dedicated robotic entrepreneurs with more than 15 years of experience in the robotic industry. Our headquarter is placed in the city of Odense, Denmark – the robotic capital of Denmark. We are born out of the innovative robotics cluster in the city of Odense, Denmark which gives us a unique position to collaborate with peers, educational and governmental institutions. Our company are born global with a strategy to develop, sell and distribute innovative Plug-n-Produce tools for collaborative robots which enables manufactures to fully benefit from collaborative robots. Our goal is to provide Plug-n-Produce robotic tools that are easy-to-use, cost-efficient and safe alongside human workers.

Monis I/S

En virksomhed der elsker dyr! Monisskildpadder er en virksomhed med rod i det gamle fjends kommune. Virksomheden er startet af paret Monica og Tommy Nielsen der følte der manglede noget på det danske marked. Her handles der med melorm,græshopper, fårekyllinger og meget mere. Et kæmpe udvalg til kamæleoner finder du også her. Råd og vejledning er en vigtig ting for paret der stadig ejer firmaet og hver eneste kunde har en speciel plads i hverdagen således at hver pakke pakkes med kærlighed. Historien bag Monis Vi hedder Tommy og Monica og vores rejse med har været lang og sej. Til tider har vi været tæt på at give op og vi har lært lektien ved at hoppe på ting som bare ikke var sagen. Vores mission er klar. Vi ønsker at folk skal opleve så god en service så muligt når de handler hos os. Før vi kom til var det en basar mange steder hvor vare der var garantier på ikke blev byttet. Sådan er det ikke mere, de etablerede har fået kamp til stregen og vi udbygger hver eneste dag forspringet.   En drøm om skandinavien. Vi drømmer om at rykke til resten af skandinavien og sælge vores lækre produkter. Desværre er fragt inden for denne branche til tider lidt en svær størrelse. Har du fået lyst til at se mere om os så klik ind på vores side her


Serene is a startup currently in stealth mode. We are looking to build a company tackling one of the biggest pain points in the trillion dollar CRE (commercial real estate) space. We are a technology company in the property sector operating physical spaces. We are founded by serial entrepreneur and looking to add ambitious people to our small initial team.

Harmoniq audio

Who are we? Harmoniq audio is a tech start-up, founded in Dec 2018. Our goal is to innovate the way speakers are produced, used and recycled. We started this journey with a focus on the development of new, sustainable alternatives to speaker components, including insulation and cabinets. At Harmoniq audio we are mainly working remotely, but we have a production facility 175m2 in Randers we are trying to setup with PNP machine and CNC machine, etc. Harmoniq audio was originally founded by Lasse Hald Andersen and Troels Mikkelsen. Lasse and Troels have known each other since kindergarten and their passion for making speakers started, like many others, with building speakers for the camp at Roskilde Festival and later for friends who needed to use festival speakers for their own camps. Since then, Lasse contiuned the journey and has been educated as an electronics technologist and prof. Bachelor in innovation and entrepreneurship, and are now running the startup, while having a full time job on the side. The interest in speaker production has led to an insight into the speaker industry, which has formed one of Harmoniq audio's central goals: to develop sustainable speakers while creating as good Hi-Fi as possible.

Global Compact Network Denmark

Med afsæt i Global Compacts ti principper og FN’s verdensmål arbejder Global Compact Network Denmark (GCDK) for at inspirere og facilitere danske virksomheders arbejde med social ansvarlighed og bæredygtighed som værdiskabende for både forretningen og samfundet. GCDK, som er det lokale netværk for FN’s Global Compact, blev stiftet i oktober 2017 og har været i en rivende udvikling lige siden.

CORO, Co-lab Roskilde

CORO, Co-lab er Roskildes innovationslaboratorie, der skaber vækst, vi er stolte af. Vi identificerer muligheder, indgår i nye relationer og innoverer for at løse samfundets udfordringer. Medlemmer samarbejder på tværs af sektorer og beriges med ny viden og nye løsninger, der skaber værdi. Innovation skabes i krydsfeltet mellem videninstitutioner, virksomheder og offentlige organisationer. CORO forbinder beslutningstagere, driver udviklingsprojekter og giver adgang til events og testplatforme.


Cerebriu’s vision is to simplify radiology to improve patient journeys. We focus on improving clinical workflow, faster scans producing right data, triage acute patients to focus on the right patients, and improve accuracy and confidence to make the right decision. Our first product, Cerebriu Apollo Brain, augments the brain MRI examination for faster confident patient selection in stroke care. Adapting images if stroke is detected for faster treatment decision and improving treatment for stroke mimics and TIAs reducing length of stay where possible.


Matrikel1 is the  innovation House on Højbro Plads in the very center of Copenhagen. We opened in May and it has been fast pace ever since. It is the focal point for investors, entrepreneurs, creators and disruptive business in Denmark. Specifically, Matrikel1 provides high-end event space, bar&cafe, flexible work space, lounge and offices. We actively work with and create network across all of above.

Risika A/S

In 2017 a small group of FinTech nerds from Copenhagen hatched a vision to challenge the faceless and old-school status quo within the exotic industry of financial risk management. We leverage machine learning to help companies predict paying and non-paying customers, while delivering more ideal customers, through the Risika platform. Our ever growing collection of nerdy teamplayers has origins in auditing, sales, data and computer science, all gathered to make sure that our solutions are as flexible, automated, and reliable as possible. We are trusted by more than 1000 finance and sales professionals across the Nordics, and we are closing in on 100 champagne celebrations since we started - a ritual that manifests our triumph virtue.

Innovation Roundtable

Innovation Roundtable® facilitates connections between innovation managers, in a setting where they can learn about best practices from executive speakers, discuss selected innovation topics, and share experiences with peers. Our network and events are exclusively for multinational firms and provide a unique source of inspiration and new ideas for managers, helping them create an even stronger foundation for innovation in their companies.


KALO is a fashion company trying to rethink your wardrobe. By renting high-end fashion to women all over Denmark, we make the dream of the endless wardrobe come true - while setting new sustainable standards for the fashion industry. Circular fashion is the future of fashion and it is already here. Learn more about KALO:Website: www.kalokopenhagen.dkFacebook: The team behind KALO is five dedicated young people striving to build the company and create the future of fashion. Each one in the team has its own task from customerservice to finance. We work part time in the company, so you can plan your day as your want to. We are flexible if you are :-)If you thrive among passionate people and are able to work idependently, we are a place for you.