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Limunt is a Scandinavian company that books live music for private, companies and public events. Limunt was founded by two musical enthusiasts, and is managed by a dedicated team of bookers, each of whom has many years of experience in the music and events industry - both on and behind stage. We started booking music in 2016 under the name Jazzkollektivet (The Jazz Collective). Later other concepts followed, and in 2022 we decided to bring all the concepts and websites together under our new brand Limunt. In Limunt we have cast Scandinavia's greatest musical talents, each of whom is an expert in their field. Our large catalogue of more than 500 carefully selected musicians allows us to fulfil most dreams and expectations of live music. At Limunt, you will meet musicians with a much higher level than what the industry otherwise offers - at a price where most can participate. In Limunt, we believe that the music at events and celebrations should be as high quality as that experienced at concert venues. Limunt wants to raise the bar for the kind of music you encounter at weddings, corporate events, Christmas parties, summer parties and so on. Music creates unforgettable experiences where people come together - whether there are 10 or 1000 participants. We are proud of creating both opportunities and networking for both upcoming and established musicians. By acting as a link between the talent pool and clients, we guarantee unique musical experiences out of the ordinary.


Francis Marketing is a team of dedicated talents striving to become Europe’s leading growth partner in paid social advertising & content management. We focus exclusively on your company’s growth and profit through social media. We only measure our results and performance in terms of hardcore conversions and leads for your company. We don’t want to be the biggest, but the best.

ZenzeTech ApS

ZenzeTech's mission is to improve the quality of life for people with Parkinson's disease. ZenzeTech is a small startup that monitors Parkinson’s patients’ walking symptoms with intelligent insoles equipped with different sensors. The data is translated into the patients’ courses of disease, which can be used to enhance clinicians’ ability to personalize and optimize the patients’ treatment.


Cyroinvest er et 100 % dansk registreret Anpartsselskab (ApS) der beskæftiger sig med investering og investeringsrådgivning i kryptovaluta. Cyroinvest er en professionel partner til virksomheder, der søger rådgivning og investering i kryptovaluta. Dette betyder også, at Cyroinvest, til trods for at handel og rådgivning vedrørende kryptovaluta i udgangspunktet ikke er omfattet finansiel regulering, i stort omfang vil vi forsøge at følge de regler, der analogt kan finde anvendelse på området. Dette indebærer også, at Cyroinvest vil holde sig ajour med Finanstilsynets Fintech afdeling, og på områder, hvor det findes relevant også at søge rådgivning. Det er vigtig for Cyroinvest, at Kunden føler tryghed i samarbejdet. Cyroinvest sørger derfor at skabe transparens i aftaleforholdet, ligesom Cyroinvest også har udarbejdet politikker samt skriftlige forretningsgange og procedurer på alle væsentlige områder, herunder for ordreudførelse, hvidvask, IT og databeskyttelse, ligesom selskabets regnskaber er underlagt kontrol af revisor.

SimplyPrint ApS

SimplyPrint brings the needed evolution to 3D print. We make it; smart, simple and easy to manage. Founded in January, 2020 with a dream of making 3D print easier for teachers, students, print farms as well as hobby-level enthusiasts. We set out to make the simplest, but most powerful platform for 3D printers, and we think we have achieved just this. - Users can start, stop, monitor and maintain their 3D printer(s) from the most intuitive 3D printing platform with the nicest UI on the market - Teachers don't have to worry about their students using the printers, and students don't have to rely on their teachers to use them - Print farms can access all their printers from a single panel With more than 260.000 print jobs started through our platform, 3337+ KG of 3D printer filament used, and more than 56.900 days of raw print time, SimplyPrint has been well received nationally and internationally, by hobby users, schools, universities, libraries and print farms.


PowerPersons is a new platform offering house and garden services provided by professional and top rated service providers. PowerPersons is a sister brand to ‘Dansk Hus & Have Service’ which is already a successful company in the house and garden service industry. ‘Dansk Hus & Have Service’ professional approach to deliver services to their customers all over Denmark have already made them a very popular provider of house and garden services in Denmark. However, handling smaller and more autonomous request can be very time consuming - especially in the cases where there's a lot of information, pricing and questions between the customer and one of the 700 independent service-providers. This is where PowerPersons comes to the rescue with our upcoming multiplatform application, particularly suitable for smaller house and garden services which will make sure all questions are handled automatically in the booking process to give the customers a smooth, convenient booking process with no unpleasant surprises and unexpected charges. The platform is going to make it even more convenient for customers to search, calculate prices and book home and garden services online with no hassle! We are planning to launch the PowerPersons platform in Denmark this year and we expect to be rapidly expanding to other Scandinavian countries and specific German cities next year.

Home Connector

HC giver værdi til kunderne, ved at tilbyde en service i form af nem og sikker boligudlejning. De fleste kunder hos HC, både tidligere og nuværende har valgt samarbejdet grundet det høje serviceniveau og den komplette udlejningsaftale – hvor Home Connector som sagt står for alt for ekspedering af udlejers lejemål på diverse sites, fremvisninger, ind og udflyt samt alt administrativt arbejde der kunne følge med

Gear eXperten

Gear eXperten er en ny spiller på marked og sælger ski briller, action camera og droner. Vi importere alt hjem selv for, at sikre de bedste priser og har altid fri fragt på alle vores varer. PT vokser vi meget og udvider løbende med nye kategorier. Vi vægter god service og rådgivning højt og gør alt for, at hjælpe vores kunder og sikre dem i god oplevelse. De kommende år, arbejdes der på, at udvide til flere lande og etablere lager i Aalborg.

Colego A/S is a service portal to help homeowners get in contact with professionals. With an easy-to-use platform, we make it easy for our visitors to get in contact with companies that offers a solution to their specific need, usually within providers of homeservice and artisans. By huge marketing and sales effort, we use our platform to start a collaboration with these companies to channel more customers their way.


Drive innovativ business.  Digital Transformation, Internet visionary, entrepreneurship, business start-up, internationalization, Sales management and sales strategy are my trademarks.  Specialties: Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, Sales management, sales strategy ,business planning, building teams, marketing strategy, business development, market research, competitive analysis, lead generation, speaking, writing and presenting.


JUST MONEY aggregates and compares financial options for individual danes. At JUST MONEY we recognize that there are tons of finance options available online, but its hard to find the one that suits your needs.We at JUST MONEY have developed an unique algorithm, that can match you with your best ledning options online with just a few clicks.

Coffee Growers A/S

We are a fast-growing coffee exporting company, with our headquarter located in Bogota city. Based on our strict quality protocols, social awareness we offer customers the best quality and compliance with the highest sense of social and commercial responsibility. We operate as an NGO to support local coffee grower families in Colombia. is a B2B site specializing in industry services such as, but not limited to, fleet management, coffee machines and websites. aims to secure the greatest possible offer for a client, by offering their service needs to several suppliers, who in turn are aware of each other competetion.


Over an hour and a half a day is spent by employees searching for documentation and it's a pain. We are providing Interact with our AI-Powered Assistant for instant access. A way to find information that is natural to humans, with natural language, just like you would ask a college about a document, ask our AI.


Fact helps E-commerce businesses getting the customer Journey right, by collecting & analyzing data, optimizing organic traffic & improving customer behaviour & sales. We primarily service fashion and lifestyle brands, and is partnered with Shopfiy, Centra, WakeupData, Elevar, Omniconvert, Meta, Google, Klaviyo and know most platforms out there. We're e-commerce based agency started by specialist with more than 15 years experience, and is located in Kødbyen in the central Copenhagen.